These guidelines are for TanvasTouch® projects that you create.


Tanvas is pleased to offer our TanvasTouch® software free of charge for development use. The only restriction is that we require the TanvasTouch logo to appear on every app screen that includes haptics.To assist with this requirement, we’ve created a handy PDF document outlining our Branding Guidelines. Please review this document in its entirely to ensure you are displaying the TanvasTouch logo correctly and according to the colors and files types used in your app. You can download TanvasTouch logos on the following page.

Logos & Placement

The single-line version of the TanvasTouch® brand is the preferred mark for primary use. In all instances, this version of the logo should be used to represent the TanvasTouch brand unless layout circumstances make it impossible.

Logo Colors

Color: White

On dark color backgrounds, use the all white logo.

Color: Dark Purple

On light color backgrounds, use the Tanvas dark purple or black logo.

Color: Black

On light color backgrounds, use the Tanvas dark purple or black logo.

On photography, the simplicity of the one-color logos should be used for maximum clarity.

  • If the contrast between the photo and the logo is high enough, the mark can stand alone.
  • If further visual clarity is needed, a while box at 75% opacity can be placed behind the logo.
  • Please refer to Page 8 of our Branding Guidelines for more details on logo placement.

Logo Placement

On a horizontal screen, the logo should be backed by a white rectangle set to 75% opacity and docked into the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This ensures that the logo will appear clearly on both light and dark backgrounds.

  • The logo + box should be scaled proportionally to 12% of the width of the given screen.
  • Proper sizing of the white box, in relation to the logo, can be found on page 8 of our Branding Guidelines.

Please do not stretch, distort, skew or otherwise maim the TanvasTouch logo. It feels things, deeply. If you need additional logo formats, contact [email protected]

Use of TanvasTouch in Live Text

When referencing the TanvasTouch brand in text, it should always be presented as one word.

  • There should never be a space between “Tanvas” & “Touch”
  • The “T” in “Touch” should always be capitalized just as the “T” in “Tanvas
  • The first use of the TanvasTouch name in a given communication should carry the “®” symbol after the name